Welcome to Lady Grace's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Lady Grace's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Lady Grace
I had the honor of sponsoring Lady Grace, a beautiful onyx kitty, at North Shore Animal League America in New York, for a number of years. While I never got to meet her in purrson here, there is a silver thread of love that remains between us that will last forever. I will meet her one day in God's time. She is free now of all the physical problems that she had here, and is playing, chasing butterflies, snoozing in the sun and being who she is...Lady Grace.

The following is part of the message that I received from NSALA about her. I wanted to share it so you will know a little bit about this gracious Lady.

"Lady Grace was abandoned at North Shore Animal League America in early 2003. She was adopted and returned in May 2006 due to her multiple health problems. She was initially diagnosed with asthma. Shortly thereafter, upon further examination, it was discovered that Lady Grace also had diabetes and liver disease. Lady Grace was on an array of different medications for her conditions.

"Lady Grace lived at the Animal League for 6 months in the Surgery Ward before going to a wonderful foster care home with one of the Animal League's veterinarians in November 2005. Lady Grace could not have been in better or more loving, skilled hands.

"Lady Grace passed away peacefully in her sleep on her favorite pillow. Her foster mother says that she seemed to be as content as one could be. We estimate that Lady Grace was between 12-14 years old, but cannot be exactly sure.

"The Animal League is extremely saddened by the loss of our very special onyx kitty, who was known for giving her foster mother the sweetest kisses on her nose. ....as soon as Lady Grace came under the care of North Shore Animal League America, all her needs were met and she was able to live a good quality of life.

"A beautiful Lady indeed, she will be greatly missed." The Sponsor Team at NSALA

Lady Grace, you will always have a special place in my heart. Your loving sponsor, Clare

Dear Lady Grace, this is your first Christmas at the Bridge. May it be filled with joy, peace and love as you rest in God's loving arms and on the laps of the Christmas angels. I love you, Clare

3/14/10 - I love you forever and always, Lady Grace. Clare

9/16/10 - You have truly graced my heart. I love you. Clare

11/26/10 - Merry Christmas, Lady Grace. Celebrate this beautiful season in the arms of your very own Christmas angel. I love you, Clare

12/25/10 - Happy Holidays, sweet Lady Grace. I know that you are celebrating and enjoying all the wonders in that beautiful place. Please remember that I love you and look forward to meeting you in purrson one day. You are special to me. Clare

1/29/11 - Valentine's Day is coming, and you are in my heart always. I love you, Lady Grace. Clare

2/25/11 - The days are flying by, and I think of you often and hold you in my heart always. We'll meet one day in purrson, sweet Lady Grace. I love you always and forever, Clare

3/18/11 - Happy Spring, precious Lady Grace. You have my love and caring always. Clare

4/25/11 - You are forever loved and cherished. Clare

5/29/11 - Memorial Day is a time to remember....you are remembered truly with love and caring. You are in my heart always. Clare

6/9/11 - We are truly celebrating your anniversary at Rainbows Bridge, and we know that there is a fine table of all the foodies that you love spread for you and that all of your friends there are joining with you in this joyous day. It was sad when you made your transition two years ago, but we know how glorious a place it is there for you and that you are free and happy. I will look forward to meeting you in purrson one day in God's time. God bless you, Lady Grace. You are loved. Clare

6/17/11 - Bask in the warmth of the summer sunshine and know that you are truly loved and cherished always, Lady Grace. Clare

9/15/11 - Autumn leaves will soon be falling and the days will be crisp and cool. You are loved and treasured no matter what the season is, precious Lady Grace. Hugs, Clare

11/25/11 - Merry Christmas, Lady Grace. May you bask always in the warmth and glow of the Christmas candles and the warm fire in the fireplace. You are always in my heart. Clare

3/20/12 - You are always in my heart and I look forward to meeting you one day in God's time. Clare

5/28/12 - When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. You are remembered with love on Memorial Day and always, sweetest Lady Grace. Clare

6/9/12 - We know that you are celebrating your 3rd anniversary at the Bridge in fine fettle, surrounded by the many kitty and doggy friends you've made there. Have a wonderful feast along with all the others who celebrate this anniversary with you, and then snooze peacefully in the lap of your guardian angel. God keep you in Her care until we meet at the Bridge. You are truly loved. Clare

9/16/12 - Through all the seasons of my life, you are loved and cherished by me and so many others who knew you. I will meet you one day when I come Home. God bless you and hold you in Her loving arms always. Clare

12/3/12 - Merry Christmas, pretty Lady Grace. I think of you often and know that you are watching over me. I look forward to meeting you one day. You are loved! Clare

3/31/13 - Happy Easter, my Lady Grace. You are tucked in my heart and I'm sending you lots of love on angels' wings. You are precious to me. Clare

5/19/13 - Lady Grace, Applejack has come Home to be with you there. Please take him under your paw and teach him all about the beautiful meadow and all the neat things to do. His heart is healed now and he will want to run and play and chase butterflies. Please show him all the good food to eat, the wonderful toys, the best sunny places to snooze in and introduce him to his guardian angel and St. Francis who will be watching over him. Applejack, it has been my privilege to be your sponsor for a number of years. One day I'll get to meet you in purrson. In the meantime, send some purrs of love my way and sweet whisker kisses on the breezes. You are safe and well now. Be sure to send lots of love to your adoptive mom, Fran, who misses and loves you so much. You are loved by many to the moon and back. Your sponsor who loves you, Clare

6/9/13 - The anniversary banquet is being prepared and so many will be there to celebrate with you and the others who passed on this day. Our Katy and BG will be there for sure. Be sure to enjoy all the good foodies and then take a wonderful snooze in the lap of your guardian angel. Always remember that you are loved by many here. Your loving sponsor, Clare

12/2/13 - Merry Christmas, precious Lady Grace. Celebrate the love and light that surrounds you there, and remember that you are loved by all who know you. Your loving sponsor, Clare

6/9/14 - Dear Lady Grace, this is your 5th anniversary at the Bridge, and we know the celebration will be fantastic. Enjoy the banquet with everyone there, and know that you are remembered by us here. We know you're with St. Francis and your guardian angel. I look forward to meeting you one day. Your loving sponsor, Clare

12/25/14 - Sweet Christmas, Lady Grace. You are truly loved by all who knew you here. Celebrate the season of love and know that you are loved always. Your loving sponsor, Clare

6/9/15 - As you celebrate your 6th anniversary at the Bridge, please know that you are being thought of by all of us here who miss you very much. Eat lots of foodies at the banquet and know that you are cherished and loved so much. I will get to meet you in purrson one day. Blessings, sweet one. Your loving sponsor, Clare

12/2/15 - Happy Christmas, sweet Lady Grace. You are truly loved, and may your Christmas there be filled with Light and Love. I love you, Your sponsor Clare

12/25/16 - Merry Christmas, precious one. May Christmas be a time of peace and joy. I love you. Your sponsor, Clare

6/1/17 - This is your 8th anniversary at the Bridge and we are thinking of you, knowing that all is well in that beautiful place of love and light. You are much loved and cherished. Blessings, dear Lady Grace. Your loving sponsor, Clare

12/25/17 - Happy Christmas, Lady Grace. May Love and Light surround you and Peace be your dwelling. I love you. Clare

6/1/18 - Sweetie, this is your 9th anniversary at the Bridge and we know that you are running and playing with all the kitties and doggies there. You are thought of and loved, sweet Lady Grace. Your loving sponsor, Clare

9/8/18 - Always remembered with love and light. Your loving sponsor, Clare

12/25/18 - Merry Christmas, sweet one. You are so beautiful and so loved. Love, Light, Peace and Joy are yours at this Season and always. I love you, Clare

6/1/19 - Precious Lady Grace, you've been in that place of Love and Light now for 10 years. You are remembered with so much love always. Your loving sponsor, Clare

12/25/19 - Happy Christmas, precious Lady Grace. Love and Light surround you there. I love you. Clare

6/1/20 - Beautiful Lady Grace, this is your 11th anniversary at the Bridge. You are tucked in my heart and remembered with all love always. Your sponsor, Clare

12/25/20 - Merry Christmas, Lady Grace. You are living in Light, Love and Peace. I love you. Clare

6/1/21 - Sweet Lady Grace, you've been at the Bridge for 12 years now and you are dearly loved and remembered. You're always in my heart and wrapped around with love always. Your sponsor, Clare

12/25/21 - Happy Christmas, precious Lady Grace. Please remember that I love you. Clare

6/1/22 - Gorgeous Lady Grace, this is your 13th anniversary at the Bridge. Sending love to you always. Your sponsor, Clare

12/25/22 - Merry Christmas, beautiful Lady Grace. You are loved and cherished always. Clare

6/1/23 - Precious Lady Grace, on this, your 14th anniversary at the Bridge, please remember that you are loved by so many and you have my love always. Your sponsor, Clare

12/25/23 - Happy Christmas, lovely Lady Grace. You are in my heart forever and loved always. Clare

6/1/24 - Dearest Lady Grace, this is your 15th anniversary at the Bridge. Please know that you are truly loved and in my heart always. Clare

Please also visit B.G., Callie, Chucky, GW, Jimmy, Katy, KITTEN ANGELS, Marjan, Michael Patrick, Mittens, Nina, Ohio Majestic Ones, Owlie, Tashi and WhiteKitty.

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