Welcome to Riley Felmer's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Riley Felmer's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Riley Felmer
Riley you went everywhere with mommy and daddy. You were daddy's co-pilot in the motor home. You loved the motor home.
You loved stealing daddy's slippers . Mommy and daddy believe you are still with us in our home you always will be . Sometimes we can hear you stealing daddy's slippers . You left us too soon baby Girl but I know we will meet again . You gave us so much Love . We loved how when mommy
came home you only wanted daddy's attention and would have your little temper tantrum to get daddy to concentrate and only talk to you lol
We don't know how we are going to be without you but we know you will always be alive in our hearts.And when the time comes we know you will run to us and greet us and take us over the bridge with you❤️❤️❤️
1/25 Mommy checking in on you Baby Girl. I'm happy you visited Daddy in his dream. Daddy misses his Little Girl
1/26 Mommy and Daddy misses you our Baby Girl❤️❤️💔💔🙏🏻
1/27 Mommy had to go into the office today and when I came home, I saw one of your toys was moved to the other side of your bed. I've been waiting for sign from you every day. I asked daddy if he moved your toy and he said no so I know that it was you today Riley, I know you sent me a sign that you were OK. I love you baby girl.
1/28 Hi Riley mommy and daddy are checking in on you. It's been another hard day today Riley without you here we miss you so much. ❤️😥
1/29 we miss you so much Riley 😥❤️❤️❤️
1/30 Hi Riley mommy and daddy just want to let you know we miss you so much we never stop talking about you and tonight is your candle lighting ceremony so we will see you there. We love you baby girl.❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻
1/31 We love you so much Baby Girl❤️❤️❤️Night Night
2/1 Hi Baby Girl it's been two weeks since you went to Rainbow Bridge we miss you so much little girl. I hope you come visit me in a dream soon I love you 💕
2/2 Hi Mama Mommy misses you so much.... It hurts so much it Daddy and I Know you sent us an Angel. Keep sending us signs baby girl ❤️❤️❤️
2/3 Hi little Mommy, Daddy and I miss you so much. We know you are still here with us baby girl, maybe not for us to touch but your soul is still with Mommy and Daddy, I know you are watching over us. We LOVE and MISS you more than words can ever say.
2/4 Hi little girl ...mommy and daddy love and miss you so much ...today was hard we went shopping and you weren't with us in the car but I know just because we can't see you doesn't mean you weren't there. You have been sending us signs baby girl ...keep sending them ❤️💕❤️🙏🏻
2/5 Hi Baby Girl Mommy and Daddy miss you so much today. I know you sent us a sign last night keep sending them . It makes mommy and daddy happy ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻
2/6 Hi Riley Mommy and Daddy checking in. Tonight is the Candlelight Ceremony. Mommy and daddy light the candle for you every Monday Night. We miss you so much baby Girl😥Mommy had a hard time today just missing you so much but I know your with us. We love you Riley ❤️❤️❤️
2/8 Today was a hard day Riley Girl. Mommy went into our room today and I held your blanket. Mommy could still smell you on your blanket I'm missing you do much today 11:11 I know you sent me that sign last night. I love you baby girl❤️🙏🏻
2/9 Hi baby girl... it's three weeks today since you left us we miss you so much baby girl. I hope you know how much I hope you can still see us. I believe you can because mommy feels you around us. Keep sending us signs little one they make mommy and daddy happy and feel better. We love you until we meet again.❤️
2/10 We love you little girl. Keep sending signs ❤️
2/11 hi Riley, mommy and daddy checking in with you. Saturdays are very hard for us because you always came with us everywhere we went all day on Saturdays. We always spent the whole day together. I know you can see us and I see you all the signs that you're sending to us but it still hurts so much baby girl we miss you. 😥
2/12 Hi Baby Girl it was sad watching the SuperBowl without you . You always watched it with mommy and daddy. I know you were still with us. We love you baby girl.❤️❤️❤️
2/14 Hi Baby girl I hope you were with us last night for the Candlelight Ceremony. Mommy and Daddy light the Candle for you every Monday night. Today was hard when daddy picked me up from work and you weren't there waiting for me😥I miss you so much Riley ...Mommy and Daddy Love you❤️❤️❤️
2/15 Hi Riley today was a hard day for Mommy I missed you a lot today daddy took me to McDonalds to get mommy a coffee and we both thought about how much you loved to share French Fries with daddy. I hope you have lots of French Fries at Rainbowbridge We love you so much little Girl❤️❤️❤️🍟🍟
2/16 Hi Riley Mommy misses you so much today. Sometimes I still can't beleive your not here with us but I know you are watching over us ❤️
2/17 Hi Little Girl I had a necklace made with your picture Mommy had it on today at work and everyone said how beautiful it was and how beautiful you are . I love you little Girl❤️❤️❤️
2/18 Hi Riley you sent mommy a sign tonight I know it was you little girl we miss you so much Riley I know you are still with us ❤️🙏🏻
2/19 hi little girl it is been one month since we lost you and you went over to Rainbowbridge. It's hard to believe that a month has passed. We miss you every day. Keep the signs coming little girl because mommy and daddy are getting them and they are helping us so much because we know you are still with us we love you little girl
2/20 Hi little Girl mommy did you were Monday night candlelight ceremony with rainbows bridge tonight everyone sends prayers to each other for their babies so I hope you felt all the love tonight little girl. Mommy and daddy miss you so much. We love you Riley.❤️❤️❤️
2/22 Hi Riley today was not such a good day for Mommy. I was really missing you but I know you are still with me. I hope you know how very much we miss you❤️I love you Baby Girl
2/23 Hi Riley I love coming here to visit you it makes mommy feel so much better. I miss your kisses but I know your still with us. Keep sending us signs baby girl❤️🙏🏻
2/24 Hi Baby Girl Mommy and daddy talked about you a lot today. I have you picture in the car so you will still be with us in the car. You loved going bye bye in the car. You used to have a tantrum if we couldn't take you. We miss and Love you do much Riley. ❤️❤️❤️
2/25 Hi Riley mommy had a nice lunch today with Aunt Roe and Granma and Fiorella it was nice to be with everyone today. I talked a lot about you at lunch ❤️ I miss you so much little Girl Mommy loves you.
2/26 hi Riley, it was daddy's birthday today and guess what popped up a picture of you and daddy cuddling in bed the same exact day at his birthday so I know that was a sign that you sent us❤️ mommy daddy love miss you so much tonight is your candle light ceremony ❤️❤️❤️
2/28 Hi Riley we had snow today, mommy knows how much you used to love to run in the snow and to zoom use. We love you baby girl❤️🙏🏻
3/1 Hi Riley Girl we know you sent us Carley she is just like you baby Girl. She will never be you but I know your tellling her what to do ...we love you Baby Girl and we know your here with us❤️
3/2 hi Riley tonight was a pretty bad night. Daddy had to go to the hospital and they're keeping him overnight. They thought he had a heart attack but the test came back negative but they want to keep him to do more tests to be sure, but I know you're always with him so I know he's going to be OK, mommy loves you and I miss you so much baby girl please keep protecting daddy ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻
3/4 Hi Riley guess who came for a surprise visit...Billy ...he brought Dingo. Dingo was looking god you baby girl. He went right up to your urn. He knows you are there. It made mommy born sad but happy that he knew you were there❤️❤️❤️
3/5 - Hi Baby Girl...Billy left and mommy is sad but Im so happy he got to come and see your memorial that we have set up for you. Both he and Dingy miss you so much. Billy got to meet Carley, he loved her...but still misses his baby sister Riley Girl.
3/7 hi baby girl. Mommy and daddy thought a lot about you today. Not a day goes by that we don't think about you, but we know you were here watching over us. I hope you can see us every Monday night when we go to Rainbowbridge to do your candlelight ceremony it makes mommy and daddy feel so much better, we love you baby girl ❤️❤️❤️
3/9 Hi Baby girl mommy and daddy just want you to know that not a day goes by we don't talk about you I hope you can hear us and know how very much we miss you❤️😢🙏🏻
3/10 Hi Riley mommy and daddy were talking a lot about you today. Daddy is going to get a tattoo of your face on his arm it's going to be beautiful and the artist is going to put a pinch of your ashes so you will always be with him❤️
3/12 hi Riley Mommy just checking in on you. It's almost going to be two months since you're gone I can't believe it. We think about you every day baby girl you're never out of our mind and I believe you are still here with us. In fact, I know you are tomorrow night I'll see you at rainbow bridge I love you with all my heart❤️
3/14 Hi Riley mommy is just checking in on you we're supposed to have a Lotta snow today. I know how much you used to love to run in the snow mommy misses and loves you so much.❤️
3/15 hi Riley I know that you've been training Carly and I know it because she does so much just the same way you did. Thank you for sending us this beautiful angel. She's helping mommy and daddy a lot but mommy still cries every day and misses you, but I know you're here with us, mommy and daddy love you so much and I hope you're happy and I gotta believe you're still with us ❤️
3/16 Hi Riley Carley wants to say hello to you and she hopes that you love her too. I think you have been ong her what to do because she does do many things like you. ❤️we love you so much Baby Girl
3/17 hi Riley it's St. Patrick's Day not that we're Irish or anything lol but we are all going to dinner tonight with grandma and aunt Ro and uncle Tony. I hope you don't mind I've been giving Carly some of your toys you had two baskets for mommy counted them you had over 105 toys and you never destroyed any of them you always kept them so nice this little puppy she's ripping everything so mommy's only giving her the ones I knew you weren't crazy about the rest we're going to save until she doesn't wanna rip through them anymore we love you and miss you baby Girl❤️
3/18 hi baby girl my friend came over Liz you remember her mommy goes to lunch with her from time to time she was asking about you she said to tell you she missed you but we both know that you're OK. You're with her doggy now and her kitty. We're going to take Carly to the park, I so wish you were here mommy misses you so much. I love you baby girl. Daddy loves you too baby girl. Daddy really misses you. Sometimes I worry about him cause I know he's thinking about you and he's very quiet. I love you baby girl.
3/19 Hi Baby a girl mommy and daddy love you. We miss you so much but we know you are watching Over us and your here with us❤️❤️❤️
3/23 Hi baby girl mommy and daddy are checking in on you. I haven't gotten any signs from you for a few days. I wish you would give me a sign. Maybe it's because you know that we are feeling a little bit better but I still wanna see some signs from you. I love you and miss you baby girl. ❤️❤️❤️
3/24 hi Riley it's Friday Mommy thought I would leave you a message this morning because sometimes I fall asleep late at night and I miss sending you a message but I just want you to know that me and daddy and Carly really miss you but I know you're telling Carly everything to do to make us happy I wish you would send me more signs. I think that now you know that we feel so much better with Carly that you feel happier and you're playing and having a good time at Rainbowbridge but Mommy still needs your signs. I love you baby girl till we meet again ❤️❤️
3/25 hi Riley I hope you could hear us tonight. Everybody was talking about you at Fiorella's party. Everyone saw how beautiful you were. I hope you were able to feel how much everyone loves you.❤️ We all love you so much baby girl
3/27 hi Riley I hope you can hear mommy and daddy talking about you all the time. Today was a little bit tough for us. I'm not sure why, but for some today was just a very hard day. Keep sending us signs baby girl I haven't had a sign from you in a little while. Maybe he'll come visit Mommy in a dream. We love you baby girl.❤️
3/29 Hi Baby Girl Mommy and Daddy miss you more than words can ever say we hope you are doing zoomies and playing with the other doggies ❤️ All our love baby Girl
3/31 Hi Riley mommy checking in on you. I miss you so much I love you baby girl and I hope you are playing and having a lot of fun R rainbow bridge.❤️🙏🏻
4/1 Hi Baby Girl mommy is thinking this will be the first Easter without you and it's going to be so hard because mommy always got you Easter presents. I just keep telling myself that you were at rainbow rich and you're happy and you're watching over us. We love you baby girl.😥❤️❤️
4/4 hi Riley Mommy did your prayer vigil at rainbows bridge last night. I do it every Monday night. I signed you up again for next Monday night. Today was a really rough day Riley mommy really missed you a lot today and I was thinking about the day you left us and I hope and I pray that you knew why we had to help you leave the hemangioma sarcoma was so bad baby girl, even though we did the surgery and even not mommy was doing all the holistic medicine for you. It was just too bad I hope and I pray that you're at rainbow bridge playing with all the other doggies. I love you baby girl. ❤️
4/5 hi Riley Mommy just checking in. I miss you baby girl. Mommy's not feeling too good today. I wish you were here. I love you.
4/8 hi Riley tomorrow will be the first Easter you're not with us. I hope the Easter bunny is visiting at Rainbowbridge. Mommy and daddy are going to miss you so much tomorrow but we know you'll still be with us. We love you little girl.❤️❤️❤️
4/9 🐇 Happy Easter, At Rainbowbridge little Girl mommy and daddy really missed you today. It just wasn't the same without you this morning. We love you little girl and I hope you got Easter eggs at Rainbowbridge today. Mommy will see you tomorrow night at the candle lighting ceremony. I love you.❤️❤️❤️4/11 hi Riley Mommy and daddy were talking alot about you today we miss you so much little Girl. I hope you can hear us and I hope you know how much we miss you😥
4/14 Hi Riley mommy and daddy love you so much we miss you every day , daddy message, you riding in the truck with him,😥❤️❤️
4/16 Hi Riley I know you sent me another sign today that makes two this week you made Mommy feel so much better this week. I miss you baby girl mommy loves you.
4/18 hi Riley, mommy and daddy just wanted to say hello and let you know there isn't a day that goes by that we don't talk about you that we don't look at your pictures. We love and miss you so much little girl.❤️
4/20 it's just not a good day today baby girl mommy and daddy miss you so much we've been thinking a lot about you today and talking a lot about you. I hope you can always hear us and I hope you know how much we miss you and I hope you know we didn't wanna let you go that day, we love you ❤️
4/23 I Riley's Sunday daddy's gonna watch his race and mommy's gonna do her crafts. It's not the same without you here we love and miss you so much is fine. We don't talk aboutYou I hope you're happy and playing rainbow bridge.
4/25 hi Riley mommy really was missing you a lot today. I hope you can hear me talk to you I really think you can. At least I believe you can mommy love you baby girl keep sending me signs I found the big white feather laying next to my car today right by our front door I know that was you telling us you're still here❤️❤️❤️
4/27 Hi Riley we love you little girl. I hope you can hear mommy and daddy talking about you every day. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't share memories about you and I hope you can hear us.❤️❤️❤️
5/1 Hi Riley Mommy and Daddy went to the race but it was postponed and we had to come home today to be C with Carley. This was the first in 10 years we have gone and you weren't here with us. We love and miss you so much❤️❤️❤️
5/4 Hi Riley it's been a few days mommy and daddy were away at the race. This was the first we were without you .We miss you and love you so much❤️❤️❤️
5/5 Hi Riley I just got the nicest message from a woman named Helga who signed your guest book. I hope you are playing with her dog Harley. I hope you have a lot of friends. I'm sure you do mommy and daddy miss you. We love you baby girl.❤️❤️❤️
5/9 Hi Riley mommy and daddy are missing you so much today. Daddy was missing you so much today riding in the truck. You always rode in the truck with him. You were his copilot and he misses you so much. We love you baby girl.❤️❤️❤️
5/11 Hi Baby Girl I hope your playing and have so many friends at the bridge. Mommy and daddy talk about you every day. We miss you so much.❤️❤️❤️
5/14 hi Riley it's mommy's day today. I miss you. This is the first mommy's day that you're not with us but I know you can see us I love you baby girl❤️❤️❤️
5/16 hi Riley mommy and daddy are going to go see your brother on Thursday to Florida. Then we are going on a big boat. I'm registering you for next Monday Night candle ceremony❤️ we love you little girl ❤️
5/23 hi Riley and daddy just got home from Florida. We went to see your brother. He said he loves you dingy said he loves you too. We have to pray for him because he's not doing too good either. OK mommy is going to sign you up for next weeks. Candle light ceremony you were signed up for the last one, but we were praying for you.
5/26 hi little girl this will be the first memorial day without you. It was always fun to stay home with you for the day and just be with you but I know that you are still and always will be with us. We love you baby girl.❤️
5/30 Hi Riley mommy and daddy love and miss you so much I know you sent us a sign the other day I know it was you baby girl keep sending them ❤️❤️❤️

6/2 Hi Riley, its been a few days since mommy sent you a message. I love you little girl. I hope you know there is not a day that goes by that Daddy and I don't talk about you. I hope you can hear us...I hope you are still with us. Keep sending us signs baby girl we are looking for them everywhere! WE LOVE and MISS you so much!
6/6 Hi Riley, I just posted the Candle Ceremony for next week. I am so sorry, I had you posted this week but Mommy was sick and I missed it. I love you little girl. Daddy and I miss you so much. I wish you would visit in our dream again...Love, Mommy!
6/11 hi Riley it's been a few days since mommy wrote you. I hope you don't think I forgot you. It's been a crazy few days here your brother hasn't been doing too well so mommy and daddy you've been busy with that but you are always with us baby girl and we, think about you and talk about you every day Mommy will see you tomorrow night at the candlelight ceremony. I love you baby girl.❤️
6/15 I love you Riley please send mommy a sign I 😢
6/19 - Hi Riley, yesterday was the first Fathers Day that you weren't here with us. Daddy wore is special t-shirt you got him. We miss you so much Riley. Mommy and daddy love you so much. Tonight is Candle Ceremony, mommy see you there tonight...I love you!
6/23 hi Riley it's been a few days mommy and daddy miss you. Your sister Carly is doing so many things just like you I know part of you is inside of her. I know you're telling her what to do. We miss you baby girl.❤️❤️❤️
6/26 Hi Riley, Tonight is Candle Ceremony....so look for Mommy, I will be there...I miss you so much Baby Girl. Daddy and I cleaned the motorhome yesterday to get it ready to take a trip. It was so hard, its going to be so hard to go without you being there. You loved going in the motorhome but I know you will still be with us baby girl! WE LOVE and MISS YOU so much!
6/30 Hi Riley it's Friday the weekend before Fourth of July. It will be the first Fourth of July without you our baby girl. I hope you see a lot of fireworks at Rainbowbridge Riley it's been a while since you sent us a sign. Please send mommy and daddy and Simby we miss you and we love you.
7/3 Hi Riley mommy and daddy miss you so much and talk about you everyday. I hope you can hear us and I hope you know how much we love and miss you❤️🙏🏻❤️
7/6 hi Riley today is Mommy's birthday and it's the first birthday without you. Mommy misses you little girl but you were with me at dinner tonight. Mommy wore your special pin my friend made for me so you were with me and daddy tonight. Mommy has been asking you for signs and you gave me one this morning.🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
7/11 hi Riley Mommy's just checking in. I missed a Rainbowbridge ceremony last night but you were on the list so I know you were prayed for Mommy to put you on again for next Monday. I hope you're having a good time with all the doggies up there we miss you little girl. ❤️❤️❤️
7/13 hi Riley Mommy is just checking in. I came across a picture of us downtown with Dingo. Seems like it was just yesterday sometimes I just can't believe you're not with us anymore but I know you're there. I love you baby girl.
7/17 hi Riley, mommy was just doing the Monday night candlelight ceremony at Rainbowbridge. I can't believe it Riley and a couple of days it's going to be six months there just isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of you and both me and daddy and up in tears. We miss you so much mom is having a really tough time lately. Please send me some signs ❤️
7/25 hi Riley we took a trip with the motorhome we missed you so much it just wasn't the same without you baby girl. We have your picture with us and I know you were with us ❤️❤️❤️we love you so much
7/28 Hi Baby Girl we love you we miss you so much❤️❤️😢
8/9 Hi Riley, we are going to Rhode Island in the Motorhome this weekend coming. Its just not the same going without you. Its almost to hard staying there, but I know you are with us. I really could feel your presence with us a couple weeks ago and I hope I feel it again this weekend. I hope you know how very much Moommy and Daddy miss you. We still are riddled with guilt having to let you go on that day, sometimes, I just wish we didn't listen to the Vet, but they said there was a very good chance you would have bled out. I just hope you know we wanted to keep you alive so badly...but I think that is why you came in my dream last week to let us know you had to go. TILL WE MEET AGAIN OUR BEAUTIFUL GIRL!
8/15. Hi Baby Girl. I hope you can hear mommy and daddy talking about you. There is not a day that goes by that we aren't talking about you little girl. It was a sad weekend for us in the motorhome last weekend. I know how much you loved it, but I know you were there with us. I know you are sending us signs through Carley. Please come visit Mommy in a dream, I miss you so!
8/21 Hi Riley, I missed your candle light service tonight but I did light your candle. Mommy not feeling to good. It was a bad day. I love and miss you so much Baby Girl. Mommy will register you for next week, but please baby girl please send me a sign so I know your ok and happy playing with all the other doggies! I LOVE YOU!
8/25 Hi Baby Girl. I know you know by now we adopted another little girl. Riley she is just like you! She does everything just like you. I know and I believe in my heart that you are guiding her and teaching her about mommy and daddy. Please send mommy a sign or please visit me Riley in a dream. I miss you so much little girl. Carley loves her big sister!
8/29 Hi Riley. I registered you for next week. Mommy missed last night but you were registered. I was on the phone with your brother. Billy says he misses you so much. I love you so much Baby Girl I got your sign, the beautiful white feather! Til we meet in our dreams ...please some see Mommy in my dreams!
9/6 Hi Riley, its been a few days since mommy has written, Please know you are always with Daddy and I. We went to Rhode Island and we took Carley. I wish we could have done that with you last year. You would have loved it there! You loved the beach!!! but I know you were there in spirit with us. Maybe that was why Daddy and I couldn't go on the beach, Im not sure why but we just didn't want to go...and I think that was why...we love you so much baby girl! Til we meet again I pray!
9/17 Hi Baby Girl. Mommy just added you for tomorrow night. I light the candle for you every Monday at Rainbowbridge Candle Ceremony. I send your pic so everyone can see how beautiful you are and pray for you. I will see you there tomorrow night baby Girl. Mommy and Daddy love and miss you so much!
9/25. Hi Riley, its Candlelighting night tonight at Rainbow Bridge. I don't know why, but it has been really hard for mommy to stay in the room, but I make sure I go in and post your pictures so we can all pray for you. It seems like I miss you more and more everyday. Riley please send mommy a sign! I miss you so much Baby Girl.
10/9-Hi Riley, tonight is Candle Ceremony. I am adding you. Mommy got a new computer for work. I got so scared cuz all my passwords were gone :(...But I got the information back. I love and miss you everyday Riley. See you tonight at Rainbowbridge...I LOVE YOU!
10/19 Hi Baby Girl. It is 9 months ago today that we had to say Goodbye for now. I know we will meet again, I trubly believe so. I know your soul is living on through Carley. I know you sent her to us! Daddy misses you so much and the strange thing is Carley is doing exactly everything you did...its too unreal! I know your soul is with her. We LOVE and MISS you so much Girl. Please come visit mommy and daddy in our dreams...we want to see you so much! xoxoxoxo
10/30 Hi Riley, Tonight is the Candlelight Ceremony. Mommy always registers you so we can all pray together and so that you know Mommy and Daddy are with you. Riley there isn't a day that goes by mommy and daddy don't talk about you. Everyday we talk about you and share so many memories. You may not be here with us but we know your here with us in Spirit...Iknow your spirit is with Riley. I love you Baby Girl til we meet again...I hope you come running to see us!
11/5 Good Morning Riley. Its getting cold now. You loved to play in the snow. I hope and pray your playing with all your friends at Rainbow Bridge and I hope you can hear mommy and daddy always talking about you Baby Girl. You will live with us forever in our home...I know your there...you will live in our hearts forever. I will see you tomorrow night at Rainbow Bridge. We love and miss you so very much Riley Girl, Till we meet again baby Girl!
11/13 Hi Baby Girl. Mommy will see you tonight at the Vigil. I am going to go Visit your Brother in Florida on Friday...Dingy is not doing to good. I hope he can stay with Billy for at least a lil while longer. Please watch out for him...you too always loved eachother...I know you will welcome him with open paws when the time comes. I love and miss you so much Baby Girl. There is never a day that goes by daddy and I don't talk about you. Some people I know think we are a bit much but you know what...I don't care what they think. You were our baby Girl. You were our everything. It still all hurts so much but I know your not in pain...I know your with Sophie and Tasha and Geronimo...I know your playing at Rainbows Bridge...till we meet again baby Girl. MOMMY LOVES YOU and MISSES you so MUCH!!!
Hi Little Girl. I missed the candle vigil last monday because mommy went to visit Billy in Florida. Please watch over Dingy. I know how much you loved him and he loves you too but he's not doing to good. You know he is 14 years old. Mommy got to spend some time with him last week and he was happy. I will see you tonight at Rainbow Bridge. I love you little girl! xoxoxoxo
12/12 Hi Baby Girl. Its almost Christmas. Mommy and Daddy are having a hard time without you. I know your Spirit will be with us Baby Girl. I got the sign you sent me and Carley a couple nights ago. I truly believe you sent Carley to us. I truly believe you are still there with us. I love you so much Baby Girl...Daddy broke down last week, he misses you so much. Please try and visit him in his dreams Riley, he needs to see you little Girl.
12/14 Hi Riley, Mommy has been thinking of you so much today and everyday always. You have been sending signs and Mommy sees them baby girl. I know your there. I know your still watching over us. We MISS you so much Riley...it hurts so much, but I know your no longer in pain..I know your running and playing with Sophie and Tasha at Rainbow Bridge. Please look after Dingy too...He's not doing to well Riley. I know how much you loved him. Mommy and Daddy love you and you will forever be with us...that I know. Until we meet again my sweet Girl..xoxoxo
1/8 Hi Baby Girl. I can't beleive I haven't written since 12/14...Granmom was in the hospital..so much happening. Christmas...was not the same without you. It killed us to not have you this Christmas. You loved Christmas so much baby Girl. But we know youw were still there with us through Carley. No one can understand how much we miss you. It still hurts so much. I will always be here with you Riley, every Monday night on Rainbow Bridge Candle Ceremony! We love you. We miss you so much!
1/15 Hi Riley, I hope you can see the Tattoo Daddy got of you. It is your portrait, and on top it says "daddy's little Girl" and your name on the bottom "Riley" It is so beautiful. We had your ashes put in it too so this way you will always be with Daddy. We love you so much Baby Girl!
1/22 Hi little Girl. Its been a year now since you left us. There has not been a single day since we lost you that we have not talked about you. We still can't listen to this beautiful song here on your page. Its beautiful but it makes me and daddy cry because we miss you so much. WE LOVE you little one, until we see you again baby girl!
2/12 Hi Baby Girl. Mommy and Daddy miss you so much. You have been coming in my dreams. Dingy is very sick, he's doing ok but he is 14 now. I know you and Sophie will be there to take him to Rainbow Bridge. I had a dream that you and Sophie were sitting together. I know that is a sign to tell us that you both are waiting for Dingo and that he will be ok and that you and Sophie are ok and that you three will be together. Billy is having a hard time..you know cuz Dingo is his Service Dog and he loves him so much like we love you. Mommy had to fly down to Florida last week to visit and help take care of Dingo. Please look after him Riley when he comes to Rainbow Bridge. We love you baby Girl, please keep coming to visit me and Daddy in our dreams...xoxoxo See you tonight at Rainbow bridge Candle Ceremony!
2/20 Riley Dingy is with you now ...mommy is in Florida we lost him Ftiday he crossed rainbow bridge..he's with you now Riley ....mommy is going to make a memorial for him..we miss you both so much ❤️ 💗 💕
2/23 Hi Baby Girl, I know Dingy is now with you all at Rainbow Bridge. Look after eachother baby girl. Play and have fun together and Nap together like you guys used to. I have peace in my heart because I know you two are together now. I love you Baby Girl. Mommy see you and Dingo Monday Night for the Candle Ceremony!
2/26 Hi Riley, today is Daddy's Birthday. I know how much he misses you. He loves you so much and I wish you were still here today to be with him on his birthday, but I know you and Dingo are sending him lots of kisses and hugs. We miss you baby girl...stay close with Dingy
2/27 Hi Riley, I know by now you are with Dingo. Please look after him baby girl and I hope you both are running and playing with all your friends at the Bridge. We will meet again baby Girl, I know you and Dingy will be there to greet us. I love you Baby Girl!
3/5 Hi Baby Girl. Mommy and Daddy just want you to know how much we miss you and know that there isn't a day that goes by we are not talking and thinking about you. I know Dingy is with you now, thats why I had that dream, please take care of him baby girl and tell him to send Billy a sign...til we meet again our baby girl! xoxoxo
3/12 Hi Riley. I hope you are running happy and pain free with Dingy. I hope and pray we will see you both again. We miss you so much Baby Girl. Please keep Dingy close to you. Please come and visit me and daddy in our dreams again or send me a sign. I truly believe you are still with us...both you and Dingy. Till we meet again baby Girl...xoxoxoxo
3/19, Hi Riley. Its almost Easter. The second Easter without you. You loved Easter, you loved when Mommy said..."Whats Mommy got for you"...you would be so happy to see what presents you got. You had two big giant baskets of toys that you kept in pristine condition. Mommy has them put away. I tried to give some to your new Sister Carley, but she rips them to shreds and it makes me sad..we can only give her benebones! I hope when she grows up she will take care of all your toys like you did. We miss and love you so much Baby Girl. Til we meet again! xoxoxox Look after Dingy!
3/26 Hi Riley baby Girl. IT will be Easter Sunday. Mommy misses buying you all your Easter Presents :(...I know your with Dingy and I hope you both are running and playing with lots of Friends at the Bridge. We love and miss you so much little Girl! Please come visit in a dream or send us a sign baby Girl. Look after Dingy...xoxoxoxo
4/3 Hi Riley, I hope you and Dingy had a nice Easter. We miss you both so much Little Girl. Please come visit us in our dreams so we can see you. Say Hi to dingy and look after eachother. Run and play, our special babies. We LOVE YOU both so MUCH!!!!
4/8 Hi Baby Girl. Mommy and Daddy miss you so much. Pretty soon we will be taking trips with the Motorhome, maybe we will go more this year. It was so hard last year because you were not with us. You loved the Motorhome, you loved to go away with us. You loved sitting in front in the Captains Chair driving to our next stop with Daddy. I know your still there baby girl! Tell Dingy we miss him too and love him and I hope you both are playing and running free. xoxoxoxo
4/23 Hi Baby Girl. I hope you are having fun playing with all the Bridge Kids and I know you and Dingy are together. We miss you so much Baby Girl. Not a day goes by that we Miss you so much. I know we will all be together again one day. We LOVE you so much, keep looking after Dingy. Iknow you Dingy, Sophie and Tasha are all together having fun playing. Love, Mommy and Daddy xoxoxox
5/1 Hi Baby Girl. Mommy and Daddy miss you so much little girl. I know you were here in this house this past weekend watching over Carley. Danae could feel you were here. Please come visit mommy and daddy in a dream. We miss you so much. Please watch over Dingy and I hope you both are playing and running and happy at Rainbows Bridge. Till we all meet again little Girl. We will hold you with us forever! xoxoxo
5/8 Hi Riley, I hope your running and playing with Dingy and all the other Doggies at RB. We miss you so much. We will be going in the Motorhome soon, whichever one we have, we may have sold the one we have, but you will always be with us, that I know! Visit me and Daddy Riley in our dreams, we miss you so much.xoxoxoxo
5/17 Hi Riley. It will be 1 year and 4 months since we had to say goodbye but only temporarily till we meet again Baby Girl. Say Hi to Dingo, I know your both together now, and I hope your running and playing. Mommy has been having a touch time...send me strength so I can do what I need to do...I promise Im trying so hard...tomorrow is a new day...give me strength baby girl. I love you so much, Love Mommy xoxoxoxo
5/22 Hi Baby Girl. Mommy and Daddy love you and miss you so much. Please come visit us in a dream. We miss you so! I would love to see you in my dreams baby Girl. I hope you and Dingy are playing and running and having so much fun. I know we will all be together again one day. Til we meet again our baby! xoxoxoxo

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