Welcome to Tank's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Tank
You were my shadow, my best friend, my confidant, my boogie board buddy, my fishing pal. We shared many licks, laughs, pants, rain storms, hurricanes, road trips, lazy days, snacks and lots of love, and belly rubs!. I think you rescued me more than I rescued you. I miss you running out the door and down the walk with your stuffed toy in tow. I miss how you chased the hose when I sprayed the yard and jumped and barked at it! The squirrels miss you...Not! Bo misses walking with you at night, he's so sad without you and so am I. You sure did touch alot of people's lives and they sure do miss you and your visits to everyone. I could probably go on and on, but I know in my heart you know you are very much missed and have left a very empty spot in my heart that I know can never be filled by another furbaby like you did!!! I still hear your paws coming down the hall in the middle of the night to let me know you had to go potty and I hope I never stop hearing them! There will be happy crabs at the river because you wont be digging them up and chasing them!! I'm keeping your favorite boogie board and I am going to hang it in the patio. My heart is so broken....

12/1/23: Today is 3 weeks you've been gone from my side Tank. Life is just not the same without my buddy, Mommy misses you very, very much and cries everyday thinking about you! I know you are watching me because I feel it in certain things I do. You made me have a purpose in life, my whole life revolved around you and now I have no purpose.

12/14/23: It still hurts, more than my heart can handle. I love and miss you with every breath I take and long for your stinky licks, I miss you licking my toes when I get out of the shower. I miss you sitting next to me in the truck, I just MISS YOU BUDDY!!!

12/31/23: This is the last day of the worst year of my life. After losing you to the Rainbow Bridge, it just doesn't seem fair. I had so much more planned for us. My heart is broken yet, Overflowing with love for you and I miss you so much. I can't imagine furbaby moms and dads going through such pain. I just want to hold you and talk to you and be with you. You were taken away from me, Way too fast and too soon. I so want to be with you right now more than anything in the world.

2/10/24: Hello my sweet boy.... I haven't checked in since last year. It's been a struggle really really hard without you here. I can't imagine how fast 13 and 1/2 years flew by.... It seems like yesterday that I picked you up from the rescue at 4 months old. You and your sister Mo bonded immediately and boy did she Love you too. I'm sure she was there. Waiting for you with open paws. There's not a minute in the day that goes by that I don't think of you. You're everywhere for me and nowhere at the same time. I love you tank. I hope you're running free chasing fish at a beautiful brook, chasing squirrels and being a beautiful goofball...❤️💜❤️🐾🐾

2/14/24 Happy Valentine's Day to the best guy I've ever met. I love you!!!!

3/10/24 I lost you 4 months ago today and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and love you and miss you so so much.

3/25/24 Happy Heavenly Birthday my sweet boy❤️ You would of been 14 today.Mommy misses you very, very much. I love you!

Easter Sunday 2024: Missing you, still crying, thinking we would be heading to our fishing spot so you could swim with the mullet, hang out in your boggie board and run up and down the beach. Life just isn't the same Tank💔 Love, your Mommy forever.

4/10/24:5 months since you were taken from me. Every day is a struggle without my best friend, shadow, love of my life, my purpose. Gosh, I miss and love you so much Tank.

5/10/24: My sweet sweet boy, I miss your goofy run down the sidewalk with your stuffed animal flopping in your mouth, I miss you chasing lizards and squirrels. I cant bring myself to go to "OUR" spot at the river, the windshield in the truck still has your beautiful nose prints on it. There's sooo much I miss and long for with you. I just dont understand why you were taken from me so soon, you should still be here...I should still be hugging you! furever in my heart and on my mind. I LOVE YOU MY BEAUTIFUL BOY!

5/21/24 Well today is my birthday and WE should be clebrating but we are not. I know you would have those beautiful kisses for me and tilt your head lovingly when I say "Lets go for a ride buddy." Missing you more every single day til we meet again!!! My furever soul mate!!!

5/25/24: Happy Birthday my beautiful boy, today you would of been 14, but instead you are at the Rainbow Bridge and not with me. My head knows your in a great place but my heart is full of pain, sadness and totally empty without you. I love you furever Tank!❤️🐾

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